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Technical parameters of nitrogen making machine
Published time:2019-04-20     Times:     Fonts:【Big Middle Small

Nitrogen generator parameters refer to nitrogen purity, flow rate, pressure, atmospheric dew point, etc. When purchasing a nitrogen generator, nitrogen generator parameters are required to obtain the corresponding quotation and plan. The following is a detailed introduction to each parameter:

1. Nitrogen purity (%): Purity is also a key parameter of the nitrogen generator, which refers to the percentage of nitrogen contained in the total gas. At present, the highest nitrogen purity on the market can reach 99.9995%. The nitrogen purity required by different industries is different, and users can choose the appropriate purity according to their own industrial process requirements.

2. Nitrogen flow rate (m3/hr): The flow rate refers to the volume of nitrogen produced by the nitrogen generator per minute or per hour, and the volume is generally expressed in cubic m3. Ten thousand cubic meters per hour can be achieved, if the demand is very large, you can choose the form of cryogenic or a combination of multiple nitrogen generators. Before determining the nitrogen flow rate, the user can refer to the previous nitrogen cylinder quantity or the design quantity of the design institute to purchase a nitrogen generator.

3. Dew point: The dew point of nitrogen refers to the temperature at which water vapor in nitrogen condenses into water under standard atmospheric pressure. The dew point of nitrogen is also an indicator used to measure the water content in nitrogen. Most users have little requirement for dew point when using nitrogen. Individual users who have requirements for dew point can additionally choose adsorption dryer, because the dew point of adsorption dryer is lower than that of refrigeration dryer.

4. Operating pressure (Bar/Mpa): The outlet pressure of conventional nitrogen generators is generally 0.1-0.7Mpa, which can be adjusted. However, some industrial processes require a nitrogen pressure higher than 0.7Mpa. At this time, a booster is needed to boost the nitrogen to the required pressure.

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